Tres Centurias Square

Aguascalientes City

The Tres Centurias Square is actually an urban recreational complex where the Railroad Museum and some buildings of what was once the train station of this city, such as the storage yard, are also located.

It is a theme park where you can find a great part of the railroad history of this city.

There is a locomotive at the entrance and some buildings and corridors that give an idea of how the dynamics were in times when the passenger train existed in this city.

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Museo Ferrocarrilero Ciudad de Aguascalientes

This space is so called because the buildings that compose it were built in three different centuries: XIX, XX and XXI.

The fountain show is one of the main attractions of the city.

Up to sixty colors can be seen in the water jets that rise up to ten meters.

The Monumental Clock is another attraction worth mentioning.

It was built in honor of the workers of the Casa Redonda, which housed the largest and most important railroad workshops in Latin America.

Facts about the Tres Centurias Square

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The Plaza has several attractions such as:

  • The Old Freight Warehouse that houses the Railroad Museum
  • A children's train with its own station called "Peñuelas".
  • The beautiful steam locomotive "La Hidrocálida".
  • The Plazuela de los Manantiales, where the 16 springs that led to the founding of the city are evoked.
  • The Plazuela del Silbato with a monumental clock, built in honor of the old Round House that was located in the old railroad workshops.
  • The Plazuela Cívica, with a monumental flag. The flagpole is 60 meters high and the flag is one of the largest in the country.
  • The Station Garden, which houses the Dancing Water Fountain, a technologically advanced sound and light show that operates at the 15th minute of every hour.
  • The Cabús de Conocimiento, a space designed for children to learn about the railroad environment.
  • The Teatro Furgón, a cargo van, was adapted to present entertaining shows.

It is called Plaza de las Tres Centurias because it is made up of buildings from three different centuries: from the XIX century, the platform of
passengers; of the XX, the double-decker station; and of the XXI, the gastronomic area.

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Discover Aguacalientes City

Aguascalientes is a dynamic and prosperous city. It is well known for its textiles and for its San Marcos Fair, as well as in the field of fiesta brava (bullfighting).

The city of Aguascalientes was founded in 1575 to accommodate merchants traveling the Silver Route.

Barrios Tradicionales en Aguascalientes Barrio de San Marcos

Where is the Plaza de las Tres Centurias located?

Museums in Aguascalientes

Aguascalientes has a large number of museums, which preserve an important part of the local, national and international culture.

Official Tourism Site

Aguascalientes is a destination with an interesting combination of charming natural surroundings, tradition and industrial development. 

Outstanding for its manufacturing industry, especially textile, electronics and automotive, the state capital has become one of the tourist destinations with the best range of services in the Mexican Bajio.